Friday, 7 January 2011

Evaluation of second front cover.

Evaluation of front covers

This is the second school magazine front cover i desgined for my AS Level.
Again, we were asked to add four more coverlines and 1 more incentive, however they had to be different. 
I chose to add; ‘Top 20 places to visit for Christmas shopping’ As Christmas is approaching, many of the students are wondering where they should go to get nice presents for their family and friends. Therefore adding key shopping centres in the magazine would attract the audience.
Also, ‘Get your CV up to scratch!’ Many students are finding it hard to be employed, so if they know they can get their CV perfect then they will definitely be interested in buying the magazine.
Secondly, ‘How to host a cracking party!’ After those hard working weeks at school, many of the students would want a night off, especially when a party is involved. Being a great host would not only boost their street cred but let them have fun aswell.
Also, 'Rukaya; Reveals her revising tips' As my target audience were asked if they wanted an educational or social magazine or both and the concluded answer was both. I chose to have a coverline on Rukaya, who is one of the girls as the central image because many students find it hard to revise, however if they see Rukaya on the front then they will definitely want to see how they can find it easier.
Finally, I decided on 'WIN £50 itunes voucher' as the incentive for this front cover as many students use itunes to listen to music, and music influences the students in a number of ways, such as helping them to revise. It's all ways in making my magazine look and sound interesting for the target audience.

The seal of approval stands out more on this front cover but is still a bit to plain. I am definitely going to work on my seal of approvals for my music magazine.

There are a varied amount of different colours that I have used for the fonts, this helps the magazine to look more attractive. Also, the variation of fonts for certain words help the coverline to stand out from the rest of them.

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