Monday, 28 March 2011

Images for front page

Analysis of front page image:

I have looked through all of my images and have decided to use this image to use for my front page on my music magazine to connect with the genre of trance.
The colour orange on the decks has given me a suggestion to use orange, black and white for my main colour scheme. Generally in a club, they would have orange lazers spreading all over to create a ‘trance’ atmosphere. This could help to give a similar feel on my front page.
This image has a strong use of direct mode of address which connects with the target audience. If this image was on the front page, while being on the shop shelves it would stand out to the public.
His costume is quite simple, for example there aren’t any bold logos or writing to distract them from his face. He looks smart and ready to DJ. This makes him look professional and enthusiastic towards the music which could inspire the target audience. His body language gives off a positive feel from the way he has placed his hands on the prop. He would let the audience know that he enjoys DJing.  

Planning for my Photoshoot

Planning for my photo shoot

Front cover: Steven with his decks.

Costume: Steven will be wearing a shirt to convey that he’s serious about his music and that many DJ’s wear smart clothes while performing their music in club. He will also be wearing jeans; however you may not see his bottom half because of decks.

Props: Steven will have two props while I take out this photoshoot. These include decks and headphones. This is due to the major part in the music industry. He will be playing his decks.

Setting: The setting of this shoot will be placed in a club to give the atmosphere of being a DJ. However, I will have to be careful of the lighting. 

Facial expression: Steven will be looking at the camera giving direct mode of address. This enhances the target audience to read the magazine.

Pose: When I take theses photos I will need to make sure Steven is standing up straight and not slouching because this may suggest that he’s tired and that he’ s not concentrating.

Body Language: To make this shoot look professional, I will need to make sure that Steven has his body towards the camera making it clear that he is the central target.

Hair and make-up: Steven’s hair will be spiky with no makeup. This is to create the typical ‘DJ’ look. Even though many of the DJ’s in the music industry are against their appearance being the main subject they do like to look smart.

Shot types: Medium/long shots. I will have to make a judgement of how far away I need to be from him. I need to make sure that he is the central attraction and to make sure I’m not too far away.

Lighting: The lighting for this shoot may be difficult, so when I enter the club, I will have to take note of the positioning of the lights and how I will work with that. The lighting needs to be directly on Steven’s face to show his expression and the use of direct mode of address.

Contents page: Stevens half face.

Costume: Steven will be wearing jeans or black trousers with a smart shirt; this represents how they want to come across to the audience when they are at club DJing. They want to be comfortable but smart. In the contents page you won’t see as much of the costume because I have chosen to do a close up shot of him.

Props: For the contents page I am going to choose for him not to have any props with him in this shoot. I want the contents page to be based around him and for him to be the main subject with no distractions.

Setting: For this image I need a plain background because the writing is going to be on the left hand side.
Also, if I want to edit around Steven, then a plain background would be an easier option for me to use the lasso tool to go around his body.

Facial expression: Steven will be dead pan, however he will be using direct mode of address to connect with the audience as soon as they turn the page.
I will experiment by just capturing half of his face to see if this has an effect.

Pose: Steven won’t be posing because you won’t be able to see anything from his shoulders down.

Body Language: Again, you won’t be able to see his body language, however you will be able to tell the sort of person he is by the way he looking at the camera, I want him to come across passionate and serious about music and I will do this by making him use direct mode of address and having dead pan.

Hair and make-up: Steven will have spiky hair.

Shot types: Close-up

Lighting: Natural light that I can edit with easily on Photoshop.

Double page spread: Steven holding his headphones.

Costume: Steven will be wearing jeans, and a t-shirt. I am going to see if having a logo on the top will be too distracting, if that’s the case then I will make him wear a plain top. Most DJ’s wear quite plain clothes because they see their appearance being not as important as their music. I have noticed that they like to show their genre of music being ‘TRANCE’ through what they wear. DJ’s like to look smart while their DJing in a club, therefore I will make him wear a shirt. 

Props: I will have my model photographed with headphones either on his head or around his neck. I will make sure that he has his hand placed on the headphones to make him look committed to his music.

Setting: The setting of this image needs to be fairly plain, to make sure that the central image hasn’t got any distractions. I will use a white wall to make this work.

Facial expression: Throughout the images I capture I will make sure that Steven looks enthusiastic to give a good impression towards the target audience. I will ask him to look at the camera to have a direct mode of address.

Pose: Steven will have his hand held to the headphones on his head. I will experiment with having a forward shot and changing it to a tilted shot.

Body Language: The images for the front page won’t really have a lot of body language showing but I will try to make him show emotion through his eyes.

Hair and make-up: I have researched on DJ’s and have found that many of them have spiked hair, luckily Steven has this type of hair so that won’t be a problem.

Shot types: Medium close- up

Lighting: I will make sure Steven is next to a window so I can get the natural light on this face.


Friday, 18 March 2011


For this layout, I have decided to put the central image on the right hand side of the front cover and to have the coverlines as well as the Strapline next to the image. This helps the audience to understand what they are reading about and to let them know what information is going to be in the magazine.

The masthead is placed at the top of the front cover to entice the target audience straight away. For this layout I have chosen to keep it straight to the eye because the coverlines and Strapline are slanted giving more edge to the magazine. The slogan has been placed under the masthead so that when the target audience read the masthead they will then move down to view the slogan which will then help them to remember something about the magazine, especially as mine is a new magazine.

I have placed an incentive near the masthead so this will also entice the audience into buying the magazine. I would use an incentive of ‘FREE CD’ or FREE ITUNES VOUCHER’. This would help to give a good impression of the magazine.

Adding graphics to the front cover will encourage the audience into looking at the magazine while out shopping searching for a new magazine.
The barcode, price and issue number is essential and that is what makes it professional.

For all of my images I will make sure that I have high key lighting and for the model to use direct mode of address. The lighting will make the image look more attractive and the direct mode of address will help to connect with the target audience.

I am going to experiment with having a lazer background and a central image to see how that works. If that doesn’t work out then I will just use a central image of a DJ.

The seal of approval will connect with the genre, such as having the lazers entering out of the seal approval shining on the central image making that look like the lazers are shining on his face.
The images will be fairly easy to take, because my boyfriend is a DJ. He has the perfect equipment to attract the audience and to connect with the interview on the two page spread.

The main coverline will connect with the central image. I have a story in mind as to what I am going to write about. The props and facial expression will also connect with the coverlines and other information on the front page.
I will add an incentive into the front cover to engage the audience; this may include a free CD or poster. From my questionnaire results I can see that the target audience would prefer a free CD.

Monday, 14 March 2011

Evaluation of outcome and process of mock-up

We were asked to make a mock up of a music magazine. I chose to do a ‘BILLBOARD’ music front cover, as I was researching on the internet I found one with Kesha on the front. I then asked one of my friends to model for me to give a similar shot.

The shot I chose to capture was evidently a medium close-up to show the same features and facial expression as Kesha. Also, while taking the shot I had to make sure that her hair was in the right position and have her head titled to the side. I took around 8 shots to give me a broad selection to make sure I had the perfect image for my mock up. I narrowed the images down and concluded that this image was the best for it. The lighting on her face is similar to the original which enhances her ‘sexy’ eyes and the way she is pouting towards the camera. I also told Gaby to make sure she gives direct mode of address to connect with the target audience.

 Before the photo shoot, I had designed a template background on ‘firework’ which had a glittery theme. I did this because around the edges of the magazine you can see a glittery background. I was very pleased to see that my first approach of the mock up was a success.
My next step was so design the masthead. To do this, I went onto to find a similar font of ‘Billboard’. I then copied and pasted the font onto paint and filled the ‘b, o, a and d’ with the colour of red, yellow, blue and green. After I had opened the image onto firework, I then opened the masthead and lined that up on her forehead which is similar to the original.

I then added some graphics my magazine, such as the diagonal lines going behind the word ‘KE$HA’ and ‘THE’. To make my mock up look slightly different I made the lines bigger. The graphics add more detail to the magazine. I then researched on the internet for a similar barcode and then placed that onto the mock up. Once adding the barcode, I felt that this had made the magazine look more professional.
As you can see by looking at the original magazine, in the top right hand corner there is a blue graphic with advertisement on. This is to entice the audience to read this part of the magazine; it could also be classed as a seal of approval. 

My next step for my mock up was to add the coverlines with all similar fonts. To make this step easier, I went onto a word document and then had the image on the page and picked a font that went similar with the original, I found that many of the fonts were very similar to those on the word document which surprised me because I thought they would of gone for s0mething much more complicated but in fact they had gone for a simple approach.
Once I had placed all of the texts on firework I then rearranged them to where they were on the original. I then adjusted things like capital letters and boldness when all of the writing was on the image.

Overall I am very pleased with my mock of the music magazine and would find it very fun to do it again. My only concerns for this mock up are; some of the coverlines have larger fonts which sometimes spread over the central image which can be distracting, but this is something I can work on.