Friday, 18 March 2011


For this layout, I have decided to put the central image on the right hand side of the front cover and to have the coverlines as well as the Strapline next to the image. This helps the audience to understand what they are reading about and to let them know what information is going to be in the magazine.

The masthead is placed at the top of the front cover to entice the target audience straight away. For this layout I have chosen to keep it straight to the eye because the coverlines and Strapline are slanted giving more edge to the magazine. The slogan has been placed under the masthead so that when the target audience read the masthead they will then move down to view the slogan which will then help them to remember something about the magazine, especially as mine is a new magazine.

I have placed an incentive near the masthead so this will also entice the audience into buying the magazine. I would use an incentive of ‘FREE CD’ or FREE ITUNES VOUCHER’. This would help to give a good impression of the magazine.

Adding graphics to the front cover will encourage the audience into looking at the magazine while out shopping searching for a new magazine.
The barcode, price and issue number is essential and that is what makes it professional.

For all of my images I will make sure that I have high key lighting and for the model to use direct mode of address. The lighting will make the image look more attractive and the direct mode of address will help to connect with the target audience.

I am going to experiment with having a lazer background and a central image to see how that works. If that doesn’t work out then I will just use a central image of a DJ.

The seal of approval will connect with the genre, such as having the lazers entering out of the seal approval shining on the central image making that look like the lazers are shining on his face.
The images will be fairly easy to take, because my boyfriend is a DJ. He has the perfect equipment to attract the audience and to connect with the interview on the two page spread.

The main coverline will connect with the central image. I have a story in mind as to what I am going to write about. The props and facial expression will also connect with the coverlines and other information on the front page.
I will add an incentive into the front cover to engage the audience; this may include a free CD or poster. From my questionnaire results I can see that the target audience would prefer a free CD.

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